Pied Indian Runner Project
pre orders
OPEN! 2025 pre orders
Ducks that are “pied” or “have large white patches on a colored background” are especially striking and pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately many pied runners are hatchery quality, which simply means that though they are hardy and often prolific ducks, they lack type and conformation…often incredibly so. We have been messing with just such a strain for a few years with poor results until last year we finally decided to take a different approach and cross our pied strain to our dark dusky strain, resulting in a new generation of breeders that are all Dark Dusky with one copy of the pied gene. Our goal in a few years is to create a strain of Emery Pencilled Runners (pied on a dark dusky background) which should be especially striking! And instead of forcing you to wait the three or four years it would take to perfect this strain, we are offering the opportunity for you to hop aboard this genetic journey! Come on, let’s play!
Ducklings from this project group will hatch in the following color possibilities:
50% heterozygous for pied (which means they’ll have white wing tips and a bit of white on the throat/chest)
25% non pied
25% homozygous for pied (fully pied!)
possibilities of brown dilutions, light phase, and white
Pied Project Runner Hatching Eggs
Pre-ordering is easy!
Choose your preferred shipping date and sent us a message by clicking I want these! and filling out the form.
Specify how many eggs you’d like shipped to you on that date and we’ll send you a confirmation email with payment details.
Be sure to read the ‘Terms & Conditions’ for more details on pre-ordering.
Pricing for pied runner hatching eggs-$7/egg
$2/egg as a deposit to pre-order
$5/egg at the time of shipping
(Shipped Canada wide; NO shipping to other countries)
March 17 egg shipment
Eggs available to pre order-24
March 24 egg shipment
Pre order limit reached +
March 31 egg shipment
Pre order limit reached +
April 7 egg shipment
Eggs available to pre order-24
April 14 egg shipment
Eggs available to pre order-22
April 22 egg shipment
Eggs available to pre order-20
April 28 egg shipment
Eggs available to pre order-14
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Or ask a quick question?
Send us a note!

Adult Pied Project Runner Wait List
To get on the wait list:
Click Put me on the list! and fill out the form.
Be sure to read the ‘Terms & Conditions’ for more details on adult wait lists.