

pre orders


2025 pre orders OPEN!

Our second year working with the much requested Cayuga!!! In 2025 we will be adding genetics in hopes of improving drake bill color.

The Cayuga is a medium-sized/heavy breed. The unmistakable plumage of the Cayuga is black with an iridescent green/blue/purple sheen in the sunlight that often develops white mottling with age. Cayugas are excellent at foraging and love living the pasture life! The meat of the Cayuga is reputed to be tender and of fine quality. Similar to the Saxony they grow fast and can be butchered by 12 weeks. Cayuga ducks are decent layers of large eggs and will also go broody which make them an excellent homesteader duck. Eggs are initially black in color, but as the season progresses, egg color lightens to gray and eventually they become white. And to top it all off…the Cayuga are one of the hardiest breeds of duck easily able to tolerate our cold winters. (personal note: they look AMAZING together with Saxony! The two colors complement each other ridiculously well!)

Cayuga Hatching Eggs

Pre-ordering is easy!

  • Choose your preferred shipping date and sent us a message by clicking I want these! and filling out the form.

  • Specify how many eggs you’d like shipped to you on that date and we’ll send you a confirmation email with payment details.

  • Be sure to read the ‘Terms & Conditions’ for more details on pre-ordering.

Pricing for Cayuga hatching eggs-$8/egg

  • $2/egg as a deposit to pre-order

  • $6/egg at the time of shipping

(Shipped Canada wide; NO shipping to other countries)

March 17 egg shipment

Pre order limit reached

March 24 egg shipment

Pre order limit reached

March 31 egg shipment

Pre order limit reached

April 7 egg shipment

Eggs available to pre order-6

April 14 egg shipment

Eggs available to pre order-8

April 22 egg shipment

Eggs available to pre order-12

April 28 egg shipment

Eggs available to pre order-18

  • Want a heads up for the important stuff?

  • Or ask a quick question?

  • Send us a note!

Adult Cayuga Wait List

To get on the wait list:

  • Click Put me on the list! and fill out the form.

  • Be sure to read the ‘Terms & Conditions’ for more details on adult wait lists.