Dutch Hookbill
unavailable for
unavailable for 2025
Dutch Hookbill are lightweight ducks that were kept by the hundreds on the waterways of Holland. It is said that the downward curved bill was bred so that hunters would be able to tell the difference between wild ducks and the birds that came back to their barns every night. Dutch Hookbills are a very old breed. There is mention of them as early as the 1600s! Unfortunately in the mid 1900s they nearly went extinct. Currently they are considered extremely rare.
Hookbill fun facts:
they come in a wide range of colors. (We currently keep a mixed color flock of Hookbillls)
they are GREAT foragers.
they are similar in size to a khaki campbell…rather a small duck.
they are very hardy.
the curve of the bill is something that can be lost when not actively selected for which means there is some variation in this iconic feature with some ducks sporting straighter bills than others.
Dutch Hookbills will be unavailable for 2025
In 2024 we made the difficult decision to take the Hookbills off the hatching egg sales list due to poor fertility most likely caused by them being too inbred. In 2025 we will continue our work with this extremely rare breed, hunting for fresh genetics and preserving the strain on our farm.
Our hopes are high for a big improvement in 2026.
If anyone has any Hookbills who’s genetics they are willing to share, please reach out!
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Adult Dutch Hookbill Wait List
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Be sure to read the ‘Terms & Conditions’ for more details on adult wait lists.