Lavender/Lilac Indian Runner
killed by MINK
killed by MINK
As some of you may know, we’ve had a mink in our runner duck barn for a week. We did finally get him, but not before he killed all the Lavender/Lilac breeding group. For anyone who has reserved eggs: you will receive an email shortly. If you don’t, contact us for refund.
Lavender/Lilac Runner Hatching Eggs
Pre-ordering is easy!
Choose your preferred shipping date and sent us a message by clicking I want these! and filling out the form.
Specify how many eggs you’d like shipped to you on that date and we’ll send you a confirmation email with payment details.
Be sure to read the ‘Terms & Conditions’ for more details on pre-ordering.
Pricing for lavender runner hatching eggs-$6/egg
$2/egg as a deposit to pre-order
$4/egg at the time of shipping
(Shipped Canada wide; NO shipping to other countries)
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Adult Lavender/Lilac Runner Wait List
To get on the wait list:
Click Put me on the list! and fill out the form.
Be sure to read the ‘Terms & Conditions’ for more details on adult wait lists.